The Graduate School Journal Editorial Policy


  1. Full-Length Research Output:Papers that present the findings of a research that has been conducted for the past three (3) years. It has the following major parts: INTRODUCTION (includes the background, theoretical support and related studies which are topically presented, the problem or research topic, including its relevance), METHODOLOGY, RESULTS and DISCUSSION (which are thematically presented, including their subsections) and CONCLUSION (which may be part of the RESULTS and DISCUSSION section).
  2. Review Article: This type of paper critically evaluates published materials underpinned by sound theories and related studies. It could present a summary of previous investigations in order to inform the reader of the state of the current researches and suggest possible ways to solve a research topic under investigation. Generally, review articles consist of the following parts: INTRODUCTION,

DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION. The entire paper should not exceed 5,000 words inclusive of the references, graphs, tables and figures.


  1. Preliminaries
    1. Title
    2. By-line (author, his/her degree or title, position)
    3. Institutional affiliation and address
    4. Abstract (not more than 250 words, (rich-text format, 12-point, centered)
    5. At least 2 but not more than 5 keywords (written immediately after the Abstract) – single word or phrase.
  2. Main
    5. REFERENCES (only authorities cited in the text should be included in the list).

Format for the Sections for Full-length Research Outputs:

    1. Background
    2. Theoretical support and related studies which are topically presented
    3. Problem or research topic
    1. Research Design
    2. Locale of the Study
    3. Population and Sampling
    4. Data Collection Techniques
    5. Data Gathering Instrument
    6. Data Analysis
    1. Problem 1 (to be presented in a narrative form – Not in Question Form)
    2. Problem 2 (to be presented in a narrative form – Not in Question Form)
    3. Problem 3 – if any
    4. Discussion
    5. Conclusions (Conclusions are not a paraphrase of the major findings)
    6. Recommendations (maybe optional)


Papers submitted for review and eventual publication may be in any discipline that is offered in the various graduate schools across the country.


  1. Papers submitted must not have been published. Papers should not exceed 20 pages (5,000 words), including references, tables and figures.
  2. References must be included at the end of the document. The manuscript must follow the APA format.
  3. All page’s size should be 8.5 x 11 inches. The top, bottom, right and left margins should be 1 inch. All the text must be in one column and rich text format font, including figures and tables, with single interline spacing (12-point, normal, justified alignment).
  4. Abbreviations and acronyms should be defined the first time they are used in the text, even if they had been defined in the abstract.
  5. Authors should strictly follow the PARTS OF THE PAPERS FOR SUBMISSION.
  6. The MAIN PARTS (INTRODUCTION, METHODOLOGY, RESULTS ANDDISCUSSION) of the papers should be in rich-text format, 12-point, bold, upper case and left alignment. If there are subsections of each part especially RESULTS AND DISCUSSION for full-length research outputs or DISCUSSION for article reviews, subsections should be in rich-text format 12, bold, and left alignment, the first letter of each word should be capitalized.
  7. Tables, graphs and figures should be centered, numbered and accompanied by a legend. Table headings should appear after they are cited in the text. The abbreviation “Fig. 1” should be used even at the beginning of a sentence.
  8. All submissions must be either in Standard English or Filipino and must include information about the author (not more than 150 words).
  9. Submitted papers will undergo a blind refereeing by experts to ensure their publication quality.
  10. All queries relative to submission of papers should be sent to for immediate and appropriate action.

     Review papers submitted for publication will be initially reviewed by the members of the Editorial Board based on format. Results of the initial will be sent to the authors within 30 days after receipt of the manuscripts. All papers that shall have passed the initial review are distributed to and reviewed by experts who serve as referees. Care will be taken to avoid conflicts of interest/affiliation when matching referees and authors. Notice of acceptance will be sent to respective authors whose papers are assessed as publishable. The authors are given 15 days to address the comments of the referees. On the other hand, authors of papers deemed to be non-publishable will be notified. The members of the editorial board in consultation with the respective referees reserve the right to accept and reject papers submitted for evaluation and eventual publication. Modifications may also be done based on acceptable editorial standards. The decisions of the members of the editorial board shall be deemed final and non-appealable.

Submitted articles are reviewed based on:

  1. Adequacy of literature review
  2. Relevance and or contribution to the field
  3. Soundness of methodology
  4. Organization and readability: Comprehensiveness, clarity, logic, and soundness of discussion